Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sep. 18th 2022 - St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
This month, much of the world is mourning the loss of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning female in history. Her dignity, courage, and faith were an example to many. We can be thankful for leaders in our world and the blessings our Lord brings to us through them, but all the more for those who speak the Word of God to us: parents and grandparents, pastors and teachers. For 160 years at St. Paul’s, the Lord has called and guided, rebuked and comforted through his life-giving Word. And in each generation, he has given us faithful leaders who point to him. Today, we consider his instruction to “Remember Your Leaders.” Our sermon is based on Hebrews 13. (There is NO Monday pm worship service this week, September 19.)
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI - Sept. 11th, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Good afternoon St. Paul's family and friends,
God's word works. It exposes sin and sinners. Where sinners side with sin the church of God is called to respond to warn the sinner and even excommunicate. Such a witness is done in love as the final and lasting witness. And it works! Some take it to heart and turn back. When sinners who had been stuck in sin turn away from it and repent, then what is the church to do? Our readings today delve into that response...we fully forgive them and fully restore them - as Christ has done for us.
God bless your worship this weekend!
Pastor Mueller
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sep. 4th 2022 - St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
How much does it cost to follow Jesus? Some think it’s an hour or two a week. Others feel it’s an offering every now and then. Some maintain that it is merely dropping off and picking up their children. Still others insist that it is simply having their name on a list. Today, Jesus shocks the large crowds that followed him. He insists that there is no such thing as a mere curious or casual disciple. Following Jesus means expending “Everything for the Lord.” Our sermon today is based on Philemon.
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI - Aug. 28th, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Good afternoon St. Paul's family,
How do you see yourself? Would you really take one of the better seats at a meeting? Are you happy with your placement at a wedding reception? Would you take the least? How would you respond if a seat was reserved for you and someone shifted your name away to a lower seat?
The inner pull to think higher of ourselves doesn't come from God. What comes from God is humility. And that's how God's people in his house strive to live. Anything less is less than the Christian religion!
May the Lord lead us to be his humble people who are raised up by the the gospel!
Pastor Mueller
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Aug 21st 2022 - St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Greetings St. Paul's Family,
An open door to something means tremendous possibilities, or a bright future. When Paul received an open door to missionary work, it also meant blessing from God.
So what else can an open door in Jesus Christ mean? What a bright future ahead! What blessings from God are coming in Jesus Christ. But here's the difficulty. That open door is narrow.
Consider carefully how you are getting through!
God bless you and your spiritual walk with Christ this weekend,
Pastor Mueller
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
August 14th 2022 - St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Today Jesus promises there will be division between people on earth. Even more, he promises he will be the cause of it. His teachings will reveal where people stand in their beliefs, and whether they are with him or not.
The practice of Christianity is not easy. It involves endurance, patience, and loss. Even more it involves our heavenly Father who disciplines us along the way. This is what our second lesson calls, "The race marked out for us!" Many stop running the race. They walk away, give up, or are enticed by worldly empty promises.
But the faithful Christian is encouraged by a great cloud of witnesses and keeps their eyes on Jesus Christ. The finish line we will cross in faith will usher in an eternal crown. May we all cling to the Savior Jesus and run the race!
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Aug 07th 2022 - St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
How will we afford the back-to-school clothes for the children? When will we be able to retire if the market doesn't turn around? Will we be able to afford groceries if the prices keep rising? It is so easy for us to worry about money, food, and clothes. But our heavenly Father knows what we need and will provide for us. No matter how little we feel we have, we can always be generous. Jesus encourages us: Set your hearts on heavenly treasure. Our sermon is based on Luke 12.
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Jul 31st 2022 - St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends, Doing a workout today a spider walked right across the floor where I was working out! It's amazing that as Christians who hear the word of God and strive to exercise it in life, sin has its way of working through us. Our first lesson from Ecclesiastes spares no expense in teaching us what we will pay if the stuff of life sneaks in and competes with God! Would you recognize it if it did? Colossians lifts our eyes to the strength of Jesus Christ in the resurrection. He raised you too! Why would we let anything else be placed on his level? Finally in the gospel Jesus knows some pursue wealth as if that's the goal in life. How foolish they are! Don't let your eyes blind you to their eternal outcome! Let God's word saturate your heart and soul so that God opens his hand to give you eternal riches...as well as earthly joy. God bless you all! Pastor Mueller
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
St. Paul’s Worship July 24-25, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
It is possible for a little child to do, yet impossible for a mature theologian to master. We always have more growing to do with prayer. What should we ask for? How much should we say? Does it really make a difference? Our Lord has so much to impart as we join his disciples to ask, “Lord, Teach Us to Pray. ” Our sermon is based on Genesis 18.
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Jul 17th 2022 - St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Greetings St. Pau's Family and Friends - What happens when God comes to us? What happens when I stand before God? What exactly does his word do for me and within me? How about this question...what does my reason want to do with what God says to me? In the lessons before us this weekend, the word is set before us. Are we ready to listen? Are we going to listen? Search the Scriptures and you will find that God's word has never and will never fail. What God desires by giving us his word is to give us and foster in us a faith that clings to it. May God bless us with such a faith that clings to God...without question! Pastor Mueller